PJR Code of Ethics


Perry Johnson Registrars, Inc. (PJR) recognises that alongside a commitment to customer service and satisfaction, it is crucial for a company’s reputation and integrity to be made apparent. This is dependant upon the conduct of employees – from executive committee members to subcontracted auditors – and our expectations of them. As such, PJR has developed this Code of Ethics to better outline the standards that we expect our own staff to adhere to, no matter where in the company’s structure they fall.

In addition to the Code of Ethics outlined here, all PJR employees are expected to observe the following:

  • Maintain the highest possible personal and professional standards when dealing with other PJR employees, PJR customers, and the public at large.
  • Work toward the improvement and furthering of PJR’s goals.
  • Avoid negative influences or substances that could impair judgement or action.
  • Obey all applicable laws or regulations for the jurisdiction in which they operate.

Policy for Gender Equity

PJR is committed to ensuring that gender discrimination of any kind – direct or indirect – is avoided. Through the enhancement of diversity and women’s’ empowerment in all processes from recruitment to career advancement, PJR is focused on pay equity, parenting and care, work-life balance and the prevention of abuse or harassment – be it physical, verbal, or digital – in the workplace. To these ends, PJR is committed to raise awareness and offer training to all employees on topics involving gender equality. (Policy for Gender Equality)

Discrimination & Harassment Policy

All recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, and policy administration practises will be conducted without regard to race, religion, age, sex, disability, or veteran status. PJR is committed to maintaining a working environment that is likewise free from intimidation or harassment of any kind; regardless of motivation, any harassment by or between employees is a breach of this Code.

Conduct to be considered harassment includes (but is not limited to) the use of slurs or negative stereotypes, threatening, intimidating, or hostile acts, and the display of any materials that degrades or demonstrates hostility toward an individual or group due to the aforementioned statuses.

PJR is committed to ensuring that every employee’s workspace is welcoming and free of discrimination or harassment. Employees with a complaint about witnessed acts of discrimination or harassment are encouraged to bring the incident to the attention of management as quickly as possible. Each claimed incident will be investigated, which may lead to corrective action up to and including immediate dismissal, regardless of other company policies. Those employees filing complaints will be duly protected against retaliation.

Human Rights

PJR is committed to the advancement of human rights for all persons, and as such will not participate in the use of child labour. Employee compensation and benefits will be competitive and comply with local laws. Forced labour and physically abusive disciplinary practises will not be used. Hours of work, free association, and other labour laws will be observed.

Health & Safety

PJR believes that every employee should have a safe and healthy work environment. Each employee bears responsibility for following health and safety rules and practises, reporting accidents, injuries, or unsafe conditions. Drug and alcohol use during work hours, or entering the workplace while thus impaired will not be tolerated.


Corruption in any form as well as commercial or governmental bribery is not permitted. PJR will never allow or endorse gifts to any level of government that may secure benefits for the company. Employees shall not accept cash gifts or valuables that are meant to solicit favouritism, benefit, influence, or any reciprocation that might be considered bribery. Cash, commissions, fees, discounts, side engagements, or other propositions involving personal gain are prohibited.


PJR is committed to the privacy of its clients’ information. As such, all information gleaned from clients (prospective or existing) is regarded as confidential and may only be used in a business context. Information entrusted to PJR may not be disclosed by employees unless disclosure is specifically authorised or required. Protected information includes but may not be limited to non-public information useful to a client’s competitors or harmful to the client and/or its own customers. Confidentiality is expected to be upheld even following the termination of a client relationship with PJR as well as after an employee’s tenure with PJR has ended.

Environment & Sustainability

PJR is committed to the protection of the environment. In addition to offering Environmental Health and Safety standards to clients, we aim to reduce the impact of our operations in both the short and long term.

Reporting of Illegal or Unethical Behaviour.

No good-faith reporter of suspected misconduct will be subject to retaliation by PJR.

Employees are expected to report violations of applicable laws, PJR’s Code of Ethics, and any other company policies as soon as they become aware of said violation. Failure to do so will be seen as a violation of the Code. Full cooperation in any internal investigations following claims of violation is expected of all employees. Contact our Client Services Manager at [email protected].

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