Small Business Programme

The success of Perry Johnson Registrars is largely due to the small business clientele that served as the building blocks for our solid foundation. PJR is now a worldwide leader in the field of quality management systems certification. We are as dedicated now as in our humble beginnings to our small business clientele. As proof of our commitment to further developing our small business clientele PJR provides advantages that set us apart from the large competitors.

  • We employ seasoned auditors worldwide, experienced in auditing even the smallest customer (1-2 employees).
  • Dedicated audit support personnel to schedule audits and answer non-technical questions, serving as a single point of contact with our corporate office.
  • In office technical personnel and Executive Committee to address any technical questions that our clients may have.
  • Free monthly webinar trainings and access to past training and training materials.
  • And so much more.

Small Business Programme Brochure

Why Should Your Business Choose PJR?

  • PJR understands the difficulties of the small business owner. We hear all the time, “ISO 9001 is a nightmare! It’s so much work!” Our goal is to provide a friendlier approach to certification.
  • PJR auditors have an understanding of small business, how they operate, and the resource constraints that business owners have to deal with.
  • PJR auditors think outside the box and appreciate that there are different ways to meet the standard requirements.
  • PJR provides free webinars on strategic topics monthly.
  • PJR conducts risk-based surveillance audits, targeting the areas to best assist our clients in improving their systems.
  • PJR auditors are human beings. They understand that shop floor employees at a small business are nervous and often intimidated by the audit process.
  • PJR provides an official Notice of Pending Registration upon signing registration agreement, which communicates that the organization’s certification journey is underway.
  • PJR is always conscious of travel cost and we try to save customers money at every turn.
  • PJR offers the option of conducting the Stage 1 audit “offsite” to defray travel costs.
  • PJR provides a Project Manager who looks out for the best interest of the small business owner. We take the time to get to know your business.

For more information on how our Small Business Programme can fit into your certification plan contact us at +44 (0) 2033 071986 for a dedicated Project Manager in your area.

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